Join us while we gather as a community for not just another night of eating out. Enjoy a 3 course experience inspired by the meals we cook at home while giving back to homes in our community in need. This monthly dinner turns our normal second dining space into an opportunity to give back. All profits are donated to a local charity or cause in need of assistance, and rotates monthly.

Locks for Locals started in 2017, as our way of building a community within our four walls and giving back to the community that supports us.
We now use this program to high light local products in a specialty cocktail we feature to raise money for a rotating local charity, chosen by a community member. Each time the cocktails is sold, it comes with a lock to hang, as well as a donation from us to our lock fund. By supporting Locks for Locals, you are supporting local businesses, local non-profits, and each other by supporting the causes that are important to each of you through hand crafted cocktails.

From our chalkboards, to the windows, to the walls, we love any opportunity to shine a spotlight on local artists and small businesses - and we're always looking for more talented and passionate creators to work with!

From our Build-Your-Own Pizza experience on the kids menu, to fun seasonal weeknight events like Cookie Decorating and Pumpkin Carving, we pride ourselves in being a place where kids (and parents!) can look forward to all year round.